Home Fees Structure

Fee Structure








A. At the time of Admission      
  One time payment 30000/- 30000/- 30000/-
Monthly Charges (To be paid Quarterly)      
B. Composite Fee      
      Nur to KG
7,325/- 7,950/- 8,500/-
      Class I - II
7,825/- 8,450/- 9,040/-
      Class III - X
7,825/- 8,450/- 9,140/-
      Class XI - XII
8,525/- 9,150/- 9,890/-



Refreshment Fee







D.   Transport Fee      
 school 1,600/- 1,700/- 1,800/-
 School Jaipur) 1,900/- 2,000/- 2,200/-
  Jaipur 2,500/- 2,600/- 2,800/-
  All sectors of Jaipur 3,200/- 3,300/- 3,500/-
 Jaipur 4,200/- 4,400/- 4,600/-
  (Subject to change with increase/decrease in fuel prices & Govt. Levies)      
E. Tours & Excursions, Examination Fee and Other Activities As per Actuals As per Actuals As per Actuals
Please note the following:      
1. Student to Space Ratio:      
  The school is spread over 9.214 acres of Land for 756 students on roll of NLET Shool , Jaipur as on 01/02/2019. Thus Student to Space ratio is around 532 Sq Feet.  
2. Student to Teacher Ratio:      
  There are 60 teachers on roll as on 01/02/2019 thus average Teache Student ratio works out to be 12.6  students per teacher.  
3. Activities included in the fee:      
  a. Educational Outings (Classes Nur to X)      
  b. Mindspark - Maths Digital Programme (Classes III to VI)      
  c. Krav Maga - Self Defence Programme (Classes VI to VIII)      
  d. Career Counselling (Classes IX to XII)      
  e. Stationary (Classes Nur to V)      
  f. Costume Rentals (Classes Nur to XII)      
Mode of payment      
By Credit/Debit Card via the school website      
By Cheque /demand draft drawn in favour of NLET School, Jaipur      
By Net Banking as detailed below:      
Bank Name & Address: bank name    
Current A/c No.: 12345678910, IFSC COde: bankifsccode      

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